Research Interest
Always evolving. Currently:
- Revenue management and pricing
- Approximate dynamic programming (also called reinforcement learning)
- Data-driven decision making
Refereed Journal Articles (Google Scholar Profile)
Jianghua Wu, Dan Zhang, Yan Liu. 2024. Markovian Pricing with Price Guarantees. Forthcoming, Production and Operations Management.
Saied Samiedaluie, Dan Zhang, and Rui Zhang. 2024. Approximate Linear Programming for a Queueing Control Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 169, 106711.
Yan Liu and Dan Zhang. 2024. Intra-Consumer Price Discrimination with Credit Refund Policies. Management Science, 70(10): 6835-6851.
Xu Chen, Xiaojun Wang, Dan Zhang, and Mingfang Yang. 2023. Selling models for platforms under service-sensitive demand. Omega, 115, 102794.
Rui Zhang, Saied Samiedaluie, and Dan Zhang. 2022. Product-based Approximate Linear Programs for Network Revenue Management. Operations Research, 70(5):2837-2850.
- The NRM instances in this paper can be downloaded here.
Thomas Vossen, Fan You, and Dan Zhang. 2022. Finite Horizon Approximations for an Infinite Horizon Revenue Management Problem. Production and Operations Management, 31(5): 2127-2142.
Sung Ham, Chuan He, and Dan Zhang. 2022. The Promise and Peril of Dynamic Targeted Pricing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(4):1150-1165.
Qian Liu, Yongbo Xiao, and Dan Zhang. 2022. Opaque Selling of Multiple Substitutable Products with Finite Inventories. Naval Research Logistics, 69(4):529-549.
Wu Jing, Zhang Dan, Yang Yang, Wang Gongshu, and Su Lijie. 2022. Multi-Stage Multi-Product Production and Inventory Planning for Cold Rolling under Random Yield. Mathematics, 10(4):597.
Yan Liu, Yacheng Sun, and Dan Zhang. 2021. An Analysis of "Buy X, Get One Free" Reward Programs. Operations Research, 69(6): 1823-1841.
- A Harvard Business Review article summarizing the findings of this paper and Sun and Zhang (2019, see below) can be found here.
Xiao Huang and Dan Zhang. 2020. Service Product Design and Consumer Refund Policies. Marketing Science, 39(2): 285-457.
Jiannan Ke, Dan Zhang, and Huan Zheng. 2019. An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Dynamic Pricing for Network Revenue Management. Production and Operations Management, 28(11): 2719-2737.
Yacheng Sun and Dan Zhang. 2019. A Model of Customer Reward Programs with Finite Expiration Terms. Management Science, 65(8): 3889-3903.
Nelson Granados, Kunsoo Han, and Dan Zhang. 2018. Demand and Revenue Impacts of an Opaque Channel: Evidence from the Airline Industry. Production and Operations Management, 27(11): 2010-2024.
Saied Samiedaluie, Beste Kucukyazici, Vedat Verter, and Dan Zhang. 2017. Managing Patient Admissions in a Neurology Ward. Operations Research, 65(3): 635-656.
Dan Zhang and Larry Weatherford. 2017. Dynamic Pricing for Network Revenue Management: A New Approach and Application in the Hotel Industry. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 29(1): 18-35.
Xiaofeng Nie, Tamer Boyacı, Mehmet Gumus, Saibal Ray, and Dan Zhang. 2017. Joint Procurement and Demand-Side Bidding Strategies under Price Volatility. Annals of Operations Research, 257(1-2): 121-165.
Xiao Huang, Tamer Boyacı, Mehmet Gumus, Saibal Ray, and Dan Zhang. 2016. United We Stand or Divided We Stand? Strategic Supplier Alliances under Order Default Risk. Management Science, 62(5): 1297-1315.
Mark Zais and Dan Zhang. 2016. A Markov Chain Model of Military Personnel Dynamics. International Journal of Production Research, 54(6): 1863-1885.
Thomas Vossen and Dan Zhang. 2015. Reductions of Approximate Linear Programs for Network Revenue Management. Operations Research, 63(6): 1352-1371.
Thomas Vossen and Dan Zhang. 2015. A Dynamic Disaggregation Approach to Approximate Linear Programs for Network Revenue Management. Production and Operations Management, 24(3): 488-503.
Annabelle Feng, Sirong Luo, and Dan Zhang. 2014. Dynamic Inventory-Pricing Control under Backorder: Demand Estimation and Policy Optimization. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 16(1): 149--160.
Wenqing Zhang, Shanling Li, Dan Zhang, and Wenhua Hou. 2014. On the Impact of Advertising Initiatives in Supply Chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 234(1): 99--107.
Yalcin Akcay, Tamer Boyaci and Dan Zhang. 2013. Selling with Money-Back Guarantees: The Impact on Prices, Quantities, and Retail Profitability. Production and Operations Management, 22(4): 777--791.
Dan Zhang and Zhaosong Lu. 2013. Assessing the Value of Dynamic Pricing in Network Revenue Management. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25(1): 102--115.
Qian Liu and Dan Zhang. 2013. Dynamic Pricing Competition with Strategic Customers under Vertical Product Differentiation. Management Science, 59(1): 84--101.
Adam Mersereau and Dan Zhang. 2012. Markdown Pricing with Unknown Fraction of Strategic Customers. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 14(3): 355--370.
Weifen Zhuang, Mehmet Gumus, and Dan Zhang. 2012. A Single-Resource Revenue Management Problem with Random Resource Consumptions. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, 1213--1227.
Dan Zhang. 2011. An Improved Dynamic Programming Decomposition Approach for Network Revenue Management. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 13(1): 35-52.
Dan Zhang and Daniel Adelman. 2009. An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Network Revenue Management with Customer Choice. Transportation Science, 43(3): 381--394.
Dan Zhang and William L. Cooper. 2009. Pricing Substitutable Flights in Airline Revenue Management. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(3): 848--861
Dan Zhang and Royce Kallesen. 2008. Incorporating Competitive Price Information in Revenue Management. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 7: 17--26.
Dan Zhang and William L. Cooper. 2008. Managing Clearance Sales in the Presence of Strategic Customers. Production and Operations Management, 17(4): 416--431.
Dan Zhang and William L. Cooper. 2005. Revenue Management for Parallel Flights with Customer Choice Behavior. Operations Research, 53(3): 415--43.
Practitioner Articles
- Yacheng Sun, Jonathan Z. Zhang, and Dan Zhang (2022). When - and how - to build hurdles into a loyalty program. Harvard Business Review. June.
Selected Working Papers
Saied Samiedaluie, Dan Zhang, and Rui Zhang. 2024. Probabilistic Approximations for Network Revenue Management. Under revision.
Jiannan Ke, Dan Zhang, and Huan Zheng. 2024. Compact Reformulations of Approximate Linear Programs for Finite-Horizon Markov Decision Processes. Under revision.
Yan Liu, Jingmai Wang, Yulan Wang, and Dan Zhang. 2024. A Model of Coalition Reward Programs. Under review.
Chengyi Lyu and Dan Zhang. 2024. Customer Reward Programs for Two-Sided Markets. Working paper. Under revision.
Xiao Huang, Gloria Urrea, and Dan Zhang. 2024. The Impact of Pricing on Cancellations in the Hotel Industry. Under revision.
Yanzhe Lei, Rui Zhang, Zhongzhong Jiang, and Dan Zhang. 2024. Joint Dynamic Optimization of Pricing and Personalized Recommendations in Online Retailing. Under revision.
Wei Gu, Xiaohui Zhao, Xiangbing Yan, and Dan Zhang. 2024. On the Impacts of Unscheduled Service in an Outpatient Clinic. Under revision.
Zlatana Nenova, Manuel Laguna, and Dan Zhang. 2021. Approximate Dynamic Programming for Medical Appointment Scheduling. Working paper.
Dan Zhang. 2008. Pricing and Capacity Management for Multi-Class Stochastic Service Systems. Permanent working paper.